prompt 6.1 - facilitation

Art wall in the Black Arts Center


Poster for Listening Spaces 005

  • Last semester I hosted a series of workshops that consisted of album-listening rooms and a listening bar

  • Through last semester’s inquiry, I was able to start developing a thought process and a way of constructing these rooms

    • A key focus for me when I construct these spaces is creating a warm, welcoming, open, comfortable and flexible space.

    • Last semester I recognized the potential of using album listening rooms to discuss sociocultural topics

    • I follow the Black Arts Center on Instagram and in January they posted an open call to the community for people who want to host something in their space

    • At first, I was hesitant and unsure if I was ready to step into a role like that and be vulnerable but I knew it would be good for me

    • I have a thing that whenever I have the desire to do something but I catch myself making excuses why I shouldn’t, I always override that second voice because I know now that that is just my body going into fight or flight mode and that any excuse is not real and can be overcome

  • Hosting this listening room made me slightly uncomfortable because I stepping into a place of exploring my blackness, something I haven’t done much in the past

    • Confronting my identity and relationships with my race

  • I imagined this listening room as a cross between a book club and a movie screening

    • We all listen to the album together and then we spend some time afterwards discussing its topics and themes

  • I visited the space a week before my listening room to scope out the space and meet the people

    • I think this was a great decision because I felt a lot more comfortable and oriented when my workshop came around

  • I ran a test workshop in studio a few days before

    • I was interested in seeing how collaging functioned in the listening room context

  • Lastly, from when I started the prompt to when I hosted the workshop, my research question/focus shifted which gave me more ease going into the session

    • I initially wanted to use this to explore the relationship between community building and collective listening? but modified it to what are the ways I can explore my relationship with facilitation?

      • This small change from thinking about this prompt from a community-building perspective to facilitation was important because beforehand I was stressing out about how I was going to document such a relationship, especially without REB approval and not wanting to be too obtrusive with a community that I am just beginning to connect with

      • Instead, I used this chance to focus on the facilitation aspect of my role, an important aspect of community building

Test run of workshop in class

Album Selection

  • The album we listened to for Listening Spaces 005 was “To Pimp a Butterfly: (TBAP) by Kendrick Lamar

  • I chose this album because of its themes that revolve around the black experience

Album Cover of “To Pimp A Butterfly” (TPAB) by Kendrick Lamar

Tracklist of TPAB

Future Iterations

  • Experimenting with the idea of “exhibiting” the album

    • Information and art placed around the room

      • However, balancing not wanting to give to much information

  • In my exploration, I want to keep front in mind the ability I have to play around and experiment with the form of the listening room.

Old school tv’s I can use to display album art

Room Construction

  • My goal for the room construction was to create a warm, welcoming and comfy environment

    • In my first iteration, I felt that even though I tried my best to do so, there is only so much comfort one can have in an institution

    • I was happy to be able to do one of these in an external space and see the possibilities of comfort

    • Some factors I had control of were;

      • speaker postion

      • circle seating

      • collage table

      • salt lamp

      • low lights

      • refreshment table


Room layout

Run of Show (ROS)

  • I was running late but so was everyone else

    • Chill vibes

    • With my people

  • We did ice breakers

    • Sound Postcards

    • Comfort Music

  • Listened to album

    • Had collaging as an option

  • Post-listening discussion

    • The part I was most worried about but pleasantly surprised by how well it went

      • Was positioned on the IG as a space for conversation which helped set the tone

      • We were able to talk about blackness and album choice facilitated this

  • One of the directors and I got the lyrics on the screen

    • Directed growth

  • Overall I felt welcomed in the space

    • One person I met from the week prior when I toured the space came to listen

Collage done by participant in workshop

Collage done by participant in workshop

Collage done by participant in workshop

Collage done by participant in workshop

Lyrics on screen

Final Reflections

Post-listening discussion

  • What is the point of a gallery? For conversation

    • Stemmed from a talk I had with one of the directors on the ride back

  • One consideration from the last listening room that I brought to these was how much I wanted to police phone usage

    • Traditionally listening rooms and music-forward spaces have the culture of no phones because of the potential for it to take you out of the music (and privacy)

      • I was loose this time; I recognize the value of phones and its ability to augment our experience in different ways

      • I want people to take the experience on their own terms

        • Directed Growth

          • Some people were reading books at the end

            • Also the people most engaged (talkative) in the discussion at the end

  • I want to do different art activity for next room

    • Collective Art-making

Art Tape Activity; You tape a canvas and people can work together but separately

Outcome from green taped canvas

  • I got great feedback from one participant

    • She came up to me after, thanked me and showed appreciation; enjoyed the format and unique way to connect and socialize

    • Is going to bring her friend to the next one

  • This workshop was as much for me as for the community

    • I am slowly finding mine


prompt 7.1 - dissemination


prompt 5.2 - community building